RGS Realty


About RGS Realty

Builders of Exemplary Real Estate

About us

Homes have become more than the bare necessities of life. It is not longer just a roof above your head. It is the centre of your life and all the choices that you make. It is an extension of your personality and how you live every day. It is a comforting place but it is also a place that represents your success. Homes have become the pride and joy of our lives. And the homes we buy and spend our lives in need to be built with that keen understanding. RGS Realty has put its hand on that pulse effectively.

Mr. Ghanshyam Sukhwani

started Sukhwani Constructions in 1988 to give quality real estate to Pune & Pimpri Chinchwad. Stepping into his father’s shoes, Mr Ravi Ghanshyam Sukhawani started his own enterprise in 2017 with a more progressive vision. Having learnt the ropes of construction business throughout his life, he decided to cater to a specific band of home-owners. RGS Realty began with a clear aim to provide luxurious, functional, aesthetic, and one-of-a-kind real estate to Punekars. 

Ethos of ‘quality over quantity’

With a strong foundation, RGS Realty works on the ethos of ‘quality over quantity’. You can find this overarching belief in every decision that we take. Delivering bespoke homes without cutting costs, building real estate with the latest insights and technology, and working with the best minds in the industry is how we always put quality first. 

We’re in the quest of giving unparalleled construction services to our clients because high customer satisfaction is our base standard. We hope to see generations flourish in the homes that we build today because it is people who animate the structures that we erect. 

We build Real Estate Relations Lifestyles Skylines Pune

My ambition is to Build Good.

Mr. Ravi Ghanshyam Sukhwani

Director - RGS Realty

I feel delighted to venture into the business that my family mastered for over four decades. Stepping out of that legacy and creating a new identity for myself was an inspiration as well as a challenge.

Being a second-generation entrepreneur, my perspective at building something good for the world through real estate development has been quite a blessing. While the competition in this industry is cut-throat and unforgiving, there are brands and names that stand out for being grateful, humble, yet successful. I am proud to be a part of one such name – Ghanshyam Sukhwani

Mr. Ghanshyam J Sukhwani was a pioneer and a visionary of class. When he entered the field of development and construction 45 years ago, the real estate business was still in its nascent stage.

Be it in building homes using quality construction materials, or building good relationships with customers and stakeholders. The ethos of my enterprise is all about reinforcing goodness into our foundation so strongly that anything that’s built on it is a masterpiece of goodness. Hope to build homes and bonds that always stands tall!

Core Values


We respect the efforts behind your hard-earned money and are wholeheartedly grateful for the opportunity to bring joy in your lives.


Our uncompromising quality and delivery standards supported by the sincere desire to bring delight into the lives is what keeps us going.


Our crystal clear working is the only true way to clarify all queries and guarantee a content and hassle-free experience.


Our strong principles in the work ethics backed by Sukhwani Constructions’ 30 years of expertise in the sector is what takes you the distance in the right direction.


We keep our feet grounded to the earth while our aspirations scale the newfound heights.


Our appetite to innovate is what accelerates our motivation to improve.